Yu ZHOU (周宇) is a professor of Geography and chair in the Department of Earth Science and Geography, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie New York. She is also Zijiang professor, in Institute of China Innovation (ICI) at East China Normal University. She has been teaching at Vassar College since 1995 and served as the director of Asian Studies at Vassar College during 2002-2006. She has done research in the areas of globalization and high-tech industry in China, especially Beijing’s Zhongguancun region. Her book The inside story of China’s high-tech industry: making Silicon Valley in Beijing was published by Rowman and Littlefield Publisher in 2008. She has also published many papers in the areas of industrial clusters, Chinese innovation, and regional comparative research on high-tech industries. She has also done research in ethnic business, gender and ethnic communities, and transnational business networks in the Los Angeles and New York. She is a recipient of several major national and international grants including grants from National Science Foundation. She also worked as a World Bank Fellow at China Center of Economic Research in Peking University, Beijing. She has been selected as one of the Public Intellectual Fellows for 2008-2010 selected by National Committee of United States-China Relations. She received her bachelor and master’s degrees from the Department of Geography (later named Urban and Environmental Sciences) at Peking University in 1986 and 1989, respectively. She received her doctor degree in Geography at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 1995.
Book: The inside story of China’s high-tech industry: making “Silicon Valley” in Beijing. Rowman and Littlefield Publisher. 2008
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