[iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/XZAy6IdMxh8″ align=”center”] At the White House Summit on Worker Voice on October 7, 2015, Vice-President Biden invoked theAIRnet’s research to talk about the problem of stock buybacks being done at the expense of worker training and pay, with the…
Disgraced United CEO Jeff Smisek Is the Reason for Income Inequality
Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers (USW), explains why the company’s recent stock buyback plan is bad for America and United Airlines.\ [Click HERE to read the article]
Is Short-Termism A Myth?
In a Forbes.com article, Steve Denning explains why short-termism is NOT a myth, in response to James Surowiecki’s article appeared on The New Yorker Magazine. [Click HERE to read the full article]
Are CEOs worth that much? Not by a long shot
In a Delaware Online article on August 21, 2015, former U.S. Senator Ted Kaufman explains why stock buybacks contribute to the explosion in CEO compensation. Click here to read the full text.
SEC Admits It’s Not Monitoring Stock Buybacks to Prevent Market Manipulation
By David Dayen, The Intercept, August 13, 2015 The Securities and Exchange Commission has admitted that it has no ability to enforce the main rule intended to prevent market manipulation when companies buy back their own stock, and has no…
Clinton’s Proposals on Stock Buybacks Don’t Go Far Enough
In his Harvard Business Review Blog Network article on August 11, 2015, William Lazonick argues that Hillary Clinton’s economic policy proposals will be ineffective in stemming stock buybacks, and could even make the situation worse. [Click HERE to read the…
Stock Buybacks Draw Scrutiny From Politicians
In a New York Times article on August 10, 2015, Andrew Ross Sorkin recognizes that the problem of stock buybacks has entered into US political debate. [Please click HERE to read the article]
Share Radio interview with Lazonick on share buybacks
Share Radio host Juliette Foster interviews William Lazonick on share buybacks. Click HERE to listen to the interview!
The war on the middle class
An op-ed piece in the Boston Globe by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont draws attention to stock buybacks and growing inequality. [Please click HERE to read the op-ed piece]
Feast for investors sells workers short
This front-page Boston Globe article on the negative impacts of stock repurchases on employment and income distribution quotes Bill Lazonick as saying: “Stock buybacks should be illegal. They are manipulation of the market.” [Click HERE to read the full article]