Experts: Negotiating Big Pharma’s Prices Won’t Stifle Innovation—They Don’t Use the Money to Innovate!

Lynn Parramore explains how physician-scientist Fred Ledley and economist William Lazonick debunked the arguments of “industry lobbyists vehemently oppose Medicare drug price negotiations”. Click HERE to read the article at

Business Insider quotes and cites AIRnet research on Boeing’s stock buybacks.

Business Insider quotes and cites President of AIRnet Bill Lazonick’s INET-funded research on Boeing’s stock buybacks. The article is also cross-posted in MSN, Yahoo Finance, Business News, AOL, News Break, Star News, and Web Today.

Creating value or extracting it? An existential question.

In her blog “Thought Sparks“, Rita McGrath quotes and cites Lazonick’s book, Investing in Innovation: Confronting Predatory Value Extraction in the U.S. Corporation, and discuses “a board and governance level issue that doesn’t get nearly enough attention is whether firms…

Investing in Innovation

Confronting Predatory Value Extraction in the U.S. Corporation by William Lazonick Business corporations interact with household units and government agencies to make investments in productive capabilities required to generate innovative goods and services. When they work harmoniously, these three types…

Financialized Corporations in a National Innovation System: The U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry

By Öner Tulum & William Lazonick ◊ There are widespread claims that a productivity crisis afflicts the U.S. pharmaceutical industry despite the fact that the U.S. institutional environment provides unique advantages for drug R&D. We argue that the explanation for this productivity paradox is the “financialization” of the U.S. pharmaceutical industry. Driven by shareholder-value ideology, the U.S. pharmaceutical industry has adopted a highly financialized business model…