Sophie van Huellen

Sophie van Huellen

Sophie van Huellen is a Lecturer in Development Economics at the Global Development Institute (GDI) at the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on production/extraction and processing of primary commodities; financialisation of commodity markets and sectors; financialisation of non-financial corporations in low- and middle- income economies; and quantitative methods. Sophie is also a Research Associate of the Department of Economics at SOAS University of London and a member of the Reteaching Economics UK network. She obtained a BA in Economics, Politics and Philosophy from the University of Erfurt, Germany. She was further trained in economics (MSc and PhD) at SOAS University of London. Before joining GDI, Sophie was a Lecturer in Economics at SOAS University of London.

Reservoir Computing for Macroeconomic Modelling – with Petros Dellaportas (PI, UCL).

Recent articles:

(2021) ‘Profitability without Investment: How Financialization Undermines Structural Transformation in South Africa‘ In A. Andreoni, P. Mondliwa, S. Roberts, F. Tregenna (eds) Structural Transformation in South Africa. Oxford University Press. Co-authored with Antonio Andreoni and Nishal Robb.

(2021) ‘Potential for Upgrading in Financialised Agri-food Chains: The Case of Ghanaian Cocoa‘ The European Journal of Development Research. Co-authored with Fuad Mohammed Abubakar

(2021) ‘Commodity Exporter’s Vulnerabilities in Times of COVID-19: The Case of Ghana‘ Canadian Journal of Development Studies. Co-authored with Nana Amma Asante-Poku

Sophie van Huellen
Lecturer in Development Economics | Global Development Institute | School of Environment, Education and Development | Arthur Lewis Building, Room 1.010 | The University of Manchester | Pronouns: She/Her | Email: | ORCiD: 0000-0002-8526-5539